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Karimov R.A.


The article analyzes the world experience in shaping the competitiveness of regions in order to adopt the most successful strategies in Tajikistan. The approaches of developing and developed countries are considered: the USA, Germany, Italy, France, Finland, India and China, which can be useful for the economic development of Tajikistan and the introduction of innovations. Particular attention is paid to the concept of “smart specialization” of the European Union, its principles and methods of identification in the region. It is substantiated that the basis for identifying and effectively implementing the concept of promising specialization of the region is the “bottom-up” principle, i.e. initiative and drive must come from the firms or cluster. Models for organizing industrial clusters in the global economy have been studied and their application in the regions of the Republic of Tajikistan has been justified. Recommendations are offered for developing the competitiveness of the region's economy, taking into account global experience.


region competitiveness, competitive advantage, innovation, industrial clusters, smart   specialization, sustainable development


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Publication date

Thursday, 09 January 2025