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Author (s)

Bobokhonov F.A.


The article analyzes and discusses the legal regulation of psychological problems in the Republic of Tajikistan. A number of problems in the field of psychology that are closely related to law are highlighted, and the need for their legal regulation is emphasized. It is concluded that in the Republic of Tajikistan there are many achievements related to the formation of psychology, but there are no regulatory documents related to the legal regulation of this area. It seems necessary to adopt a separate law in this area, develop and approve a concept and state programs for the development of psychology. It is emphasized that mental health is very different from physical health. Therefore, it is more appropriate to consolidate concepts related to mental health in the country’s legislation, as well as in international documents, along with physical health.


legal regulation, psychological issues, mental health, mental integrity, international documents, mental suffering, psychological development


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Publication date

Tuesday, 25 June 2024