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Alijanova S.A.


In modern society, the problem of an immense amount of household waste, which negatively affects the protection of the environment, is quite tense. The problem of environmental protection is global in nature, and long-term environmental pollution with various wastes leads to the degradation of nature. In earlier times, this problem was inherent in developed countries. However, these countries have put a lot of effort into economizing and greening technological and household processes, waste disposal, sorting and processing to protect the environment. It is noted that in conditions of the economic crisis, environmentally-economical principles of management and reasonable waste management are of particular relevance for our country, since, along with environmental focus, this contributes to the creation of new jobs and significant savings in resources. As a result, it is extremely important to pay close attention to the global experience of waste management with the adaptation of existing developments and achievements to domestic realities.


domestic waste, recycling of wastes, recycling centre, recycling, environmental protection


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Publication date

Wednesday, 26 June 2024