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Author (s)

Shukurov F.M., Rajabzoda M.N.


Thearticleexaminesthearbitrationagreementandtheproblemofitsinefficiency. It has been determined that the arbitration agreement, as a document defining the basis for the activities of arbitration courts, includes the unity of four elements: subject, unity of will and expression, form and content. It is noted that the absence of one of the listed elements indicates the inefficiency of the arbitration agreement. It is concluded that the inefficiency of the arbitration agreement arises for the following reasons: its uncertainty, if the arbitration clause does not allow determining the name of commercial arbitration; incompleteness, if the determination of the procedure for appointing arbitrators or the procedure for discussing the arbitration case is not carried out at all, etc.


arbitration agreement, inefficiency deal, arbitration court, debate result, legal conflict, civil code, international arbitration


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Publication date

Tuesday, 25 June 2024