The article examines the problems and prospects of investing in renewable sources of electricity. The relevance of intensifying investment processes in these sources in Tajikistan is noted. The experience of the People's Republic of China, the Russian Federation, Great Britain, Germany and Turkey has been studied. The market for renewable energy sources and the introduction of the latest technologies in the market for investments and competencies are analyzed. Consideration of the problems shows the degree of development of the market and the features of its functioning in the direction of investment. The structure and dynamics of the development of renewable energy sources, as well as the problems of their financing in Tajikistan and abroad, have been studied. The measures taken by developed countries to develop alternative energy sources and attract investment in renewable energy resources are shown: the introduction of a green economy, the practice of tax incentives and government subsidies, as well as the strategy of our state for the development of renewable and other energy resources. Conclusions and proposals are aimed at enhancing investment in renewable energy sources in Tajikistan.
investments, energy strategy, renewable energy sources, foreign experience, green economy, tax incentives, grants
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