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Kositov J.R.


Thearticleexaminestheroleofthestateinimprovingthequalityofhumancapital. In particular, the opinions of prominent economists on improving the quality of human capital and the role of the state in it were studied. The state legislates the foundations of human existence in the family and society, regulates economic relations, including labor and social, and is responsible for the state of the natural environment, which directly affects human living conditions. The state can play a very important role in the development of human capital as one of the important factors in the formation of an innovative economy. The role of the state in the protection of intellectual property is significant. It is concluded that the study of the protection of human capital through the care and protection of the health of the population of the republic is a priority task and the state must take measures to implement it.


the quality of human capital, the role of the state, economic relation, social relation, innovation economy, public health


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Publication date

Wednesday, 26 June 2024