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Nurdinov B.Kh.


In the article, the main principles of the formation and development of the regional innovation ecosystem (RIE), which are based not on the competitive struggle for resources, but on the constructive cooperation of the subjects of economic activity and the exchange of accumulated knowledge, are considered. It is noted that the ecosystem development of regional innovation systems is primarily focused on the creation of a new economy with the dominant role of science and innovation environment, as well as the joint use of new technologies to strengthen regional institutions of partnership, aimed at the joint solution of strategic tasks, the creation of new values for the economy, production industries and society as a whole, contributing to the reduction of the economy's dependence on raw materials and the increase in the efficiency of its functioning due to the stimulation of innovative demand, the expansion of cooperation between the subjects of the innovative process, the creation of technological parks and the activation of the commercialization of technologies and their industrial exploitation. It is specified that the establishment of relations within the framework of RIE is accompanied by a number of principles, the practical implementation of which contributes to the expansion and scale of the use of innovation and economic activity in the regions of the Republic of Tajikistan.


regional innovation ecosystem, ecosystem development, regional partnership institutions, innovation environment, stimulation of innovation demand, cooperation


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Publication date

Thursday, 09 January 2025