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Yakubov J.K.


The article examines the specific features of the relationship between government bodies and independent media. It is stated that state structures, due to their powers, have the ability to influence independent media. Despite the presence in society of a number of tendencies among power structures that impede the independence of the media, the resources for asserting the independence of the media are involved, but do not meet the requirements. The opinion was expressed that currently in the information space of Tajikistan there is a process of movement from an authoritarian media model to a commercial one. Economic and legal conditions in modern Tajikistan affect the relationship of independent media with government agencies and society. It is concluded that the two leading directions of state information policy - preventing the media from subordinating to the opportunistic interests of government and business and regulating the level of monopolization of the media - are not implemented in practice. The information policy of state authorities should be based on the following principles: complete openness of authorities to the media; on the absence of dictate in interactions with the media. Interaction between government bodies and the media should be based on mutual respect as equal partners, which will optimize information relations between government bodies, the media and society.


independent media, authoritarian media-model, state power, independent  state  mass media, state information policy, information technology


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Publication date

Wednesday, 03 April 2024