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Muminov A.B.


The article identifies some problems of institutional support for state regulation of insurance and substantiates ways to solve them. Based on the analysis of specific models, two groups of problems have been identified: conceptual issues, which include the lack of taking into account non-financial indicators and taking into account the interests of a wide range of stakeholders in the activities of an insurance organization, as well as technical issues, which include: adjustment of financial statements, problems of developing methods for forecasting financial income and the need to use market information. To understand the depth and necessity of their solution, their essence is explained. The main attention is paid to the methodological and methodological connections of the system for assessing the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of an insurance organization and ensuring its financial stability. The financial stability of an insurance organization is presented as the potential ability of the insurer to pay its obligations in connection with the analysis of the structure of the obligations and funds of the insurance organization. Several mechanisms of state regulation of the financial stability of insurance organizations have been proposed.



state regulation of insurance activities, institutional support for regulation, methodological and methodic connections,  assessment of the effectiveness of regulation, insurance organization, insurance market, regulatory problems, financial potential, financial stability


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Publication date

Wednesday, 03 April 2024