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Obidov D.S.


The article attempts to study the problem of the emergence of legal schools in the history of Islam against the background of global patterns of legal genesis under the influence of cultural and historical factors of individual regions in which the process of the emergence of these schools took place. Particular attention is paid to the study of the need and significance of legal schools in the history of Islamic law, their role and functions, the ancient cultural and historical traditions of Babylon and Western Arabia, on the territory of which the process of origin and formation of legal schools took place. When understanding the specifics of the cultural and historical traditions of Babylon, Mesopotamia and Western Arabia, the nature of the legal schools that subsequently arose in Iraq and Hejaz is revealed. The rationalism of the first legal school in the history of Islam is pointed out - the Kufi school of “Ahl-ar-rai”, which arose in Iraq.


Islam, Muslim law, legal schools, legal genesis, justice, cultural and historical factors, Kufi legal school, Hijaz legal school


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Publication date

Tuesday, 25 June 2024