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Baturov Kh. D.


The article identifies the main factors of socio-economic development of the regions of Tajikistan, substantiates the approach to choosing a group of factors, determining their role and significance. An analysis of the existing approaches of various scientists to identifying factors of economic development is carried out. The author's vision of the factors for the development of the regional economy is presented, and recommendations for improving promising areas of development are proposed. It is shown that limited factors entail uneven levels of socio-economic development of regions. The need for economic interaction between participants in economic activities, as well as the introduction of strategic regional planning, is substantiated. Using the example of individual countries of the world, individualized methods of regional planning are shown.


region, factors, balance, regional development, planning, economy, socio-economic territorial development, differentiation, local budgets


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Publication date

Wednesday, 26 June 2024