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Tsybakov D.L.


The purpose of this study is to identify the challenges of the functioning of the collective security system of the post-Soviet space during the large-scale crisis of the modern world order. The author analyzes the effectiveness of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in a situation of increasing influence of external actors in international relations in the geopolitical area of the CIS. Based on the use of comparative, historical methods, as well as traditional analysis of documents, it is concluded that the formation of a collective security system in the post-Soviet region was accompanied by a number of crisis processes. The reasons for the insufficient readiness of the collective security system for the onset of a period of escalation of modern international relations are formulated, and the need to adjust the scope of functions and structure of the organization is justified.


collective security, crisis, world order, CSTO, post-Soviet space, CIS 


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Publication date

Saturday, 28 October 2023