The article reviews the theoretical and methodological aspects of urbanization as an economic category. The author's definition of the economic content of this category is developed in the course of its study. The connection between urbanization and the social infrastructure of the region is explained in terms of their positive and negative impact on the development of the region; the factors influencing its process are studied. Through existing models, the current state of urbanization in the settlements of Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan is assessed and its improvement is proposed. The existing defects in the process of urbanization of the region are identified and recommendations for their prevention or elimination are given. The urbanization process management measures to be taken to improve the socio-economic development in Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan are given.
Sughd region, level of urbanization, regional urbanization, social infrastructure, socio-economic situation, urban and rural residents
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