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Author (s)

Shokirov G.A.


The article studies the problematic issues of information processes in the creation of the information society and their relationship with the concepts of information resources and information systems that act as objects of legal relations and as a subject of study of branch legal sciences. It is determined that the essence of the concept of information processes is worked out by informatics and this legal activity is understood as the actions of subjects regarding the information itself and their actions to change it. A legal substantiation of the concept of information processes is proposed on the basis of constitutional norms and norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of informatization and the creation of an information society. On this basis, a comparison was made of this issue with the existing norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The essence of the term information processes is revealed as a special concept that plays a significant role in informatization and the creation of an information society, in comparison with the opinions expressed by experts in this industry. The author's status concerning this legal activity is supported.


information, informational technology, informational resources, informational processes, legal fundament, legal activity, informational activity


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Publication date

Thursday, 04 May 2023