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Rizoyon Sh.Sh.


The article dwells on Turkey's strategy in Central Asia which is examined from the point of view of Tajikistan's national interests, and thesignificance of the study in the system of relations between Dushanbe and Ankara is also explored. Five factors forming challenges for Tajikistan from Turkey's policy in Central Asia are considered, such as pan-Turkism and neo-Ottomanism, the Organization of Turkic States, competition and confrontation with external powers, the Tajik-Kyrgyz border dispute, Turkish accounts of the history of the Central Asian region. In conclusion, the possibilities for Tajikistan from the Turkish factor in Central Asia are presented in the form of recommendations.


Tajikistan, Turkey, Central Asia, foreign policy, national interests, challenges and opportunities, multi-vector policy


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Publication date

Saturday, 28 October 2023