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Author (s)

Marabaeva L.V., Isokov A.A.


Based on the results of systematization and analysis of modern research on the theory and practice of strategic management of technological development of enterprises, the article determines the directions for incrementing its conceptual provisions in terms of categorical apparatus - for a more accurate understanding of the main category "technological process", the structure of technological process and the classification of types of technological processes of enterprise. It highlights the need for continuous improvement of the theory of strategic management of technological processes as the basis for the development and implementation of appropriate functional strategies for enterprises. Following the goals of the study, it comparatively analyzes a number of modern approaches to clarifying the classification features of technological processes that are significant for making informed strategic decisions on the choice of priority technologies, as well as for choosing methods of strategic management of the technological development of an enterprise, taking into account industry specifics.


enterprise, technology, technological development, strategic management, challenge, classification, processes, external environment 


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Publication date

Thursday, 15 June 2023