The article studies the theoretical and methodological issues related to the implementation of monitoring of socio-economic processes in the economy of the region. The theoretical basis for monitoring regional situations is shown, and approaches and directions for monitoring the socio-economic processes implemented in the region are disclosed and systematized. As well, it reveals the scheme of using methods for monitoring the regional economy based on the digitalization of economic processes. The main types of monitoring the socio-economic processes in the region are systematized. The tools of the methodology of socio-economic development of the region, information support for the monitoring process and the key directions for improving the monitoring of the socio-economic development of the region are shown and justified. It reveals the approaches to the selection of indicators that allow assessing the development of the region and main stages of monitoring.
region, socio-economic development, regional economy, monitoring, assessment of the socio-economic development of the region, differentiation, balance, management, monitoring indicators
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