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Miraliev I.K.


The problem of legal policy, including the legal policy in the field of human rights, has long been in the focus of attention of researchers, philosophers, politicians and lawyers. It should be noted that human rights are considered a fundamental and central value in a state governed by the rule of law, and their recognition, protection and provision are the responsibility of the state. At the same time, according to the principles of the rule of law, the state is obliged to recognize, observe and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Therefore, one of the forms of implementation of such an obligation at the official level, entrusted to the state, is the creation and purposeful implementation of a policy in the field of human rights. In recent years, in general, issues of legal policy, and in particular the legal policy in the field of human rights, have been at the center of attention of most jurists. Therefore, there is no consensus in the legal literature regarding the concept of legal policy in the field of human rights. In this article, the author tried, as a result of the analysis and study of concepts, offers his author's definition of the concept of legal policy in the field of human rights.


politics, legal policy, legal state, globalization, human rights, problem, public policy, right, obligation


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Publication date

Friday, 27 October 2023