Thearticle dwells onanoriginalangleandusinganunconventionalscientificapproachtoresearch, examinestheproblemofsociety'sattitudetoaneweconomicphenomenoninmodernTajikistan - entrepreneurship. An attempt was made to find out the reasons for the negative attitude of the general population towards entrepreneurship from the point of view of moral values. At the same time, attention is paid to their reflection in specific legal norms of legislation operating both in the modern world and at the recent socialist stage of the historical development of Tajikistan. Attention is also drawn to the semantic inconsistency of the term chosen by the legislator to express the manifestation of entrepreneurship, which is so important for a modern society based on a market economy and market relations, in the Tajik lexicon.
entrepreneurial activity, public opinion, legal norms, public diplomacy, soviet ideology, socialist statehood, moral code of the builder of communism, moral principles
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