The article examines some innovative processes in the structure of entrepreneurship in the region. It is objectively justified that the locomotive of innovative entrepreneurship in the Sughd region is the SEZ “Sogd” created for this purpose. It is calculated that the index of the ratio of research work completed in the field to the number of people engaged in scientific activities, the index of expenditure on science and the number of scientific institutions reflects their growth both in the republic and in its regions, which indicates attention to innovative business development. Priority directions in the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the Sughd region have been identified: resource-saving and fund-saving innovations in the fields of mechanical engineering, mining, light industry, food industry and other subjects of the national economy. Recommendations have been developed to promote the development of innovative entrepreneurship to strengthen the industrial potential of the region.
innovation, entrepreneurship, innovative potential, scientific - technical opportunities, subject of economy
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