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Kodirzoda D.B., Gulzoda F.M.


The article discusses methods and tools to stimulate exports in the conditions of membership of the Republic of Tajikistan in the WTO. At the same time, financial measures that play an important role in the development of exports are highlighted among the measures of state support for exports. It is noted that financial support can be provided not only in the process of exporting, but also in the production of goods and services that are focused on meeting the needs of external buyers. State institutions can provide tax incentives to enterprises, finance the formation and development of export infrastructure, support export-oriented enterprises in attracting foreign investment, etc. An important role among financial measures to stimulate exports is played by: granting preferential loans to exporters, reimbursement of part of their costs for paying interest on loans, insurance against risks of foreign economic activity, provision of direct and indirect subsidies, etc. The principles of formation and use of the country's export potential, which play an important role in expanding exports to foreign markets, are also considered.


export, tax benefits, state support, financial support, foreign investment, insurance risks, investment, export potential 


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Publication date

Thursday, 15 June 2023