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Author (s)

Mirzoaliev A.A., Tuliev M.S., Kholikova P.I.


The article deals with the formation and development of digital economy. One of the key elements in the formation of digital economy is digital technology. So the authors give scientifically based recommendations on the use of digital technologies, the creation of powerful digital systems and, on this basis, the creation of a unified electronic systems based on scientific theories and advanced foreign experience. It is noted that the formation of digital economy is not limited to the use of digital technologies, but to accelerate this process, it is necessary to attract financial resources, qualified specialists in digital sphere, as well as to regulatie credit and financial mechanisms, taxation and the development of new digital products in the digital economy. The article considers that in order to ensure its timely development, it is necessary to modernize the communication infrastructure and provide business entities with high-speed Internet in a timely manner.


digital economy, digital technologies, telecommunications infrastructure, information society, smart internet, digital products, electronic systems


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Publication date

Thursday, 15 June 2023