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Author (s)

Aminov D.G., Abdulloeva A.T.


Thearticlerevealstheconceptofeconomicmodernization, andalsodefinestheroleofcomponent, synergistic, institutional, effectiveandintegrationapproachestomanagingtheeconomicstructureoftheeconomicsystem. A logical sequence and direction for transforming the structure of the national economic system are proposed. It is substantiated that structural modernization as a result of the transformation of the economic system is an incentive.  for innovative development and technology renewal. The study describes evolutionary, synergistic, institutional, systemic, innovative and intellectual-digitalization approaches to the structural modernization of the economic system. Scientific concepts in the interpretation of the concept of “structural modernization” were also studied and generalized, which made it possible to formulate a scientific position and the author’s definition of this economic category.


structural modernization, economic system, system structure, structural changes, economic transformation, economic development, national economic system


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Publication date

Friday, 12 January 2024