The article discusses the role of regulation of household activities and factors influencing regional development, as well as improving the mechanisms of public administration of the socio-economic system of the Republic of Tajikistan. The role and importance of the regulation of economic processes, the common economic space, the implementation of structural and investment policies, the socio-economic development of the country, which contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the regional economy, are supported. Based on the analysis and assessment of the development of households, the most important factors influencing the development of Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan are identified. In this regard, the cost of the consumer basket in regulating the economy of households in the region is reviewed. As well, it studies the role of human capital and investment in the socio-economic development of the region, the model of social development, and the development indicators of human index.
household, index of the human development, human capital, household income, model of social development
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