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Author (s)

Shokirov R.S., Saidolimov G.K.


In the article, the authors consider the role of clusters in the implementation of the accelerated industrialization strategy in the Republic of Tajikistan. As the authors note, the economy of the republic, having the nature of an agrarian-industrial economy, largely loses benefits in international trade due to the insufficient level of added value creation in the country.  At the same time, the formation and development of agrarian clusters can become impulses in the transition of the republic's economy to an industrial-agrarian development model. The article proposes a model of an effective cluster, which should be created in the Republic of Tajikistan, the essence of which is to increase the overall highest benefit between its participants. The authors argue that clusters as a subject of entrepreneurial activity play a twofold role in economics. First, they act collectively, shaping their environment through their synergistic effect. Second, they form an expanded mechanism of opportunity for their participants, contributing to their reflexivity and creativity, and contributing to the formation of the institutional environment of the cluster in the economy. In addition, both collective and individual actors operating within the cluster adopt an institutional approach that is most effective in the economic space. As they note, this is necessary to compensate for the lack of resources or institutional frameworks, as well as to avoid the influence of ineffective institutions.


Republic of Tajikistan, Cluster, institutions, institutional environment, institutional contradiction, accelerated industrialization, industrial-agrarian economy


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Publication date

Saturday, 28 October 2023