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Nozhka S.M.


The purpose of the study is to identify the role of various policy actors in promoting environmental initiatives in the Russian Federation, problems in promoting initiatives of this kind and understanding the potential effectiveness of various ways to promote environmental initiatives. The article notes that there is a need to adjust the course of human development, shifting it to a more environmentally friendly direction - it can be done through the initiation, promotion and implementation of environmental initiatives, which are often referred to as civil initiatives. But according to the author’s point of view, these initiatives have a broader list of subjects that can initiate and promote initiatives of this kind. And therefore they can be attributed to socially significant political initiatives. The article analyzes the results of an expert survey. As a result of the study, the author notes that despite the presence of problems with the environmental situation in the Russian Federation, there is a low level of initiative of almost all political actors, including citizens, and such methods of promoting environmental initiatives as petitions, fundraising and mass actions are ineffective in the Russian Federation.


socially significant political initiatives, policy subjects, environmental improvement, environmental initiatives, expert survey


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Publication date

Friday, 05 May 2023