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Soliev Sh.Kh.


This article examines and analyzes the necesssity and importance of value orientation in the fight against corruption in the conditions of modern Tajikistan. Strengthening the value-oriented spirit in society is recognized as one of the important general mechanisms for combating corruption in the conditions of Tajikistan. The value-oriented approach is evaluated as recognition, understanding, evaluation of important moral and spiritual values, their consideration and implementation in public relations. In the fight against corruption, it is assumed that it is important to pay attention to the value orientation and strengthen the position of important social values in Tajikistan. It is believed that a value-oriented approach contributes to increased civic responsibility, and in this context, citizens can resist various types of corruption. Various factors influencing the decline in the role and importance of moral values in society have been identified. It is specifically mentioned that the education of intolerance to corruption, temperance, respect for the law, responsibility to society, respect, as well as the implementation of cultural and spiritual values can be of great importance in preventing corruption in Tajikistan. The importance of value orientation in the fight against corruption is recognized, because it can be effective both at the level of public authorities and with the involvement of the public.


corruption, value orientation, morality, prevention of corruption, moral and spiritual values, honesty, abstinence, responsibility, intolerance to corruption


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Publication date

Thursday, 15 June 2023