The article examines the issues of improving the regional policy in the field of incomes of the population. The necessity of state regulation of incomes of the population in a market economy is considered, taking into account of the real state of the standard of living of the population of the regions, in particular the Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan, the main key directions for improving the state social policy in the field of income are proposed.On the based of analysis of the income structure of the population of the Sughd region, a comparative analysis of the average monthly wages of the regions of the country, the average monthly wages by districts of the region, the main measures of the state are substantiated by developing a program for equalizing the incomes of the population of the regions at the republican, regional and local levels.
Key-words: incomes of the population, income of differentiation, the regulation, the regional policy, the methods of regulation, standard of living, state program of income
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