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Nurboev Nabijon Muminovich


It is marked that acute need in taking measures is perceived in the regions of Tajikistan, in Sughd viloyat especially; here refer: rise of the level of neutralization of noxious wastes, further processing of the latters, ecologization of industrial production. The author dwells on the actual issues concerned with determination of the influence of economy development level over environment, elicitation of the reasons of ecology catastrophies upspringing and the ways of their liquidation, preclusion of invironmental demolishment, maintence of a favourable state of surrounding nature for future generations health. Taking into consideration the conditions of the republic the author proposes to use relatively sipler models for assessment of mutual connection between economy and ecology, as the latters don’t require a great amount of information and at the same time they give desirable results.


Key words: management with ecological and economic development, economico- mathematical model, neutralization of industrial waste, the amount natural resources, environmental protection, emissions of harmful substances, ecological and economic indices, natural resources, ecological crisis



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Publication date

Saturday, 10 December 2022