The article describes the features of state-confessional relations in Ukraine, their evolution from the moment of gaining independence until 2022, the existing system for managing religious processes in the country, as well as the problems of its formation and functioning. Historical, formal-legal, analytical and comparative methods are used as key research methods. The work determines the subject composition of the institutional support of state-confessional relations in Ukraine,it highlights the main stages of the transformation of this process, including them into the context of the subjects of the sphere under consideration, the powers they are authorized with the tasks to be solved and their place in the system of state power. It is substantiated that a partnership model of state-confessional relations has been established by 2022 in the management with religious processes in Ukraine, the main problems of their development and functioning have been identified, such as: administrative risks of regulating this sphere, impact of the unstable political situation and confessional fragmentation on it, as well as protracted socio-religious conflicts. Temporal frames of the study are set with taking into account the start of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, in February 2022 which with a high degree of probability laid the foundation for reformatting the country's public administrative system.
Keywords: state-confessional relations, state and religion, religious associations, management with religious relations, confessions, model of interaction, state structures
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