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Shokirov G.A.


The article presents an analysis of the process of informatization and creation of informational society and that one of knowledge; this process includes also notion, essence, various experts, viewpoints concerning a significance of the whole arrangement and utilization of the newest informational-telecommunicational technologies bound to be resorted to for the creation in question. The main characteristics of the given society principles of formation of world informational society are explored as well. Experts’ viewpoints on the problem are expounded including into the bargain legal insurance of the informational society. It is underscored such concepts as “information”, “legal information”, “informatization”, “informational society”, “society of knowledge” are directly related to one another. The author adduces a well-grounded inference that an adoption of a big number of legislative and sublegal normative-legal instruments entailed a creation of a unified informational-lawful space in the Republic of Tajikistan.


production of services, informational society, scientifico-technical progress, Association of knowledge, informational knowledge, informational technologies, computer technique, the process of informatization


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Publication date

Monday, 20 March 2023