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Author (s)

Karimova M.M.


A number of scientific aspects of the interpretation of such concepts as "extremism", "terrorism" and "radicalism" are analyzed. The need to strengthen the fight against crimes of extremist and terrorist orientation which has acquired a transnational character at the present time, is emphasized.Extremism, terrorism and radicalism pose a real threat to the national security of all the countries. This is one of the global problems of our time which threatens the security of individual and society, constitutional structure of the state, spirituality and morality, health of the population and territorial integrity of the Republic of Tajikistan being a part of the entire world . The definitions of extremism, terrorism and radicalism, their view on scientific aspects are stated and theoretically expounded.


extremism, terrorism, radicalism, interpretation of concepts, constitutional frameworks, national security, territorial integrity


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Publication date

Wednesday, 07 July 2021