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Author (s)

Rakhimov A.M., Temirov K.O.


The article dwells on the role of agrarian policy as an integral part of the state`s economic policy aimed at food security insurance. The autors analyze the most priority streamlines of agricultural policy which include: ensuring food security, preserving resource potential of the agro-industrial complex, stimulating introduction of innovations. Ensuring food security of the state is as important a priority as ensuring national defense and public security. In order to restore and develop the resource potential of agro-industrial complex, it is necessary to develop a set of agrarian policy measures. It is underscored that the agrarian policy includes general elements of the state`s economic policy in the field of investitive, price, financial policy.


agrarian policy, food security, agriculture, efficiency, food policy, agro-industrial complex


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Publication date

Tuesday, 16 November 2021