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Author (s)

Dankova Zh.Y., Maksimenko S.A.


This article substantiates the need to identify and eliminate the problems that affect optimal implementation of anti-crisis management tasks. The study is conducted on the basis of empirical data reflecting implementation of the tasks outlined above in the Central Managerial Office under the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia over Tambov oblast. In the course of the study of the stated problem

 the authors apply a number of diagnostic and sociological methods the results of which conclude that there are such problematic aspects in organization and implementation of the anti-crisis management process as: insufficiently dense interdepartmental interaction; outdated logistic base; imperfect regulatory-legal framework characterized with redundant, duplicate and outdated regulatory documents; low level of professional training of the personnel of the Central Managerial Office under the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia over Tambov oblast. In conclusion, a number of practical measures are proposed to minimize and / or overcome the identified problems.


anti-crisis management, Central Managerial Office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia over Tambov oblast, informational-communicational interaction, personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, logistic potential, resource support, professional readiness, professional competence, professional development, emergency situation


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Publication date

Tuesday, 16 November 2021