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Khudzhamkulov R.B., Nabieva M.A.


The article examines the problems of the development of interregional economic relations as a dominant of increasing economic stability of the development of the regions and also an influence of interregional interaction over the sustainability of the development of the region. From the standpoint of systematic approach an attempt has been made to substantiate the relationship between interregional interaction and that one of the region's development. The economic system of the region which consists of several unstable subsystems can turn out to be stable when they are combined. It is noted that stability of socio-economic system is determined by interaction of its constituent parts and is the result of acquiring a new quality by the system which is not characteristic for its constituent parts. Theoretical foundations of interregional economic interaction have been determined. A potential concept of organization is proposed and promising forms of development of interregional interaction aimed at increasing a stability of the regional economy are identified.


stability of regional economy, factors of regional stability, systemic approach, interregional interaction, concept of interaction, forms of interregional interaction, economic relations of regions


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Publication date

Tuesday, 27 April 2021