The article, in its essence, is a brief review of the collective monograph “Contemporary China under Transformation Conditions” issued in 2020 by the Center of Asia-Pacific researches under the Institute of World Economy and International Relations attached to the Russian Academy of Sciences. Certain key moments considered to be such by the authors are expounded by them as, probably, the formers have significance for political and managerial science. The called scientific problem runs to the effect that one should try to understand what useful can be taken from the Chinese experience of modernization / transformation by Russian political elite. Such method of exploration is utilized as expertise questionnaire and extrapolation. The article has been prepared in the frames of the scientific school "”State Policy and Management” functioning on a permanent basis in the Academy of Civil Protection attached to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
contemporary China, alteration of state functions, “chinese dream”, socialism building course, modernization of traditional values, “soft force” policy, primacy of economic results, synthesis of traditions and innovations
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