The article dwells on ensuring effective development of entrepreneurship in Sughd viloyat. The number of entrepreneurial structures in Sughd viloyat of the Republic of Tajikistan is analyzed. It is noted that for an effective development of entrepreneurship in the region it is necessary to create a favorable economic environment and eliminate various barriers that impede a formation of new economic entities. The author adduces schematic argumentation of the aims targeted at state support rendered to entrepreneurial sectors in country`s regions. Solid political will and aspiration of the country`s government are underscored as a main factor in creation of favourable conditions for active business in the republic. Infrastructure of entrepreneurship has been studied as a basis for sustainable development of the region. Factors promoting and restrieting the activities of the entrepreneurial sector in the regional economy system are identified. The priority directions for the effective development of entrepreneurship in Sughd viloyat of the Republic of Tajikistan are given.
entrepreneurial sector, market economy, effective development, business entities, entrepreneurial structures, foreign investments, innovative technologies
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