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Karimov R.А.


The matter of increasing marketability of the region is one of the key problems of socio-economic development of the country and its regions under contemporary conditions. The task is to raise theoretical and methodological foundations of innovative development as a factor of elevating the competitiveness of the region. The clear theoretical definition of the region's competitiveness is analyzed, the stages of the process of achievement with using innovation and modern technologies are well-grounded. The relationship between the theoretical and practical definitions of the region and the factors of growth of its competitiveness, methodological criteria for ensuring long-term leadership depending on the use of competitive advantages are determined. The author proves that innovations are factors of increasing the competitiveness of economy with using the innovative potential of the region in connection with the process of formation, development and use of aggregate resources. Thus, a high level of competitiveness of the regional economy is achieved. The parameters of prospective utilization of the Republic of Tajikistan innovative potential are determined.


competitiveness of regional economy, socio-economic development, competitive advantage, competitiveness factors, innovation, innovative region’s potential


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Publication date

Monday, 26 April 2021