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Ismoilov M.M., Karimov R.A.


The problem of the development of agrarian market and improvement of agrarian economic relations is one of the most important mattersin ensuring socio-economic relations under modern conditions. The goal of the research is to identify the role of institutions and institutional factors in the development of agrarian market relations. The evolution of the concepts of institutional changes in economic science, such as classical institutionalism, neoinstitutional economics, modern trends of neoinstitutionalism has been analyzed, and its endless recurrence is substantiated. Also, through the prism of the concepts of institutional changes, the passed transition period is assessed and negative aspects in its development are highlighted. The institutional factors that hinder the development of agrarian market relations in the Republic of Tajikistan are determined. It is proved that the institutional factor is a key one in the development of agarian relations at this stage of the development of the economy of Tajikistan. The ways of improving the institutional foundations of agrarian market relations in the Republic of Tajikistan have been determined. The adequacy of the methodology of the new institutional economic theory in the study of the problems of agrarian market relations in the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan has been substantiated.


institution, institutional milieu, institutional alterations, institutionalism, transaction costs, property, transitional economy, transformation, agricultural market


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Publication date

Wednesday, 07 July 2021