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Rustamzoda Z.R.


The role of international organizations in modern international relations and their influence on state independence is considered and analyzed. The author noted that the issue of the activities of international organizations and the protection of state independence is not one and the same for countries with different levels of development. Especially for the Republic of Tajikistan it is very important to protect independence in the context of the development of international organizations and the irreversible process of globalization. The article analyzes and discusses various points of view on the impact of the activities of international organizations on state independence. It was revealed that there are positive and negative views on the impact of the activities of international organizations on state independence. The author notes that in most cases the activities of international organizations do not limit the independence of the participating countries, since states voluntarily join international organizations to achieve their national goals. According to the author, in order to consider the influence of international organizations on independence of states it is necessary to pay attention to the conditions for the actions of states within the frameworks of international organizations and in the processes of globalization.


international organizations, state, state independence, globalization, foreign policy, international relations, international cooperation, world politics


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Publication date

Thursday, 25 February 2021