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Author (s)

Baymatov A.A., Haydarova M.H.


The article dwells on the problems of formation in regard to the policy of management with regional development. Special attention is paid to determination of the ways targeted at an achievement of social-economic and ecological goals of the development of the region, the conditions necessary for sustainable development and functioning of regional economy in Sughd viloyat in a strategic perspective – up to 2030. The author proposes trends of perfection relating to organizational structures of management with social-economic development; the place of the latters in the economy system of the region being determined as well. The necessity of exploring the processes of management with problemic areas connected with availability of potential resources is well-grounded. Such items are singled out as a sign of geographic location of territories and a dearth of their own financial resources for solving the problems of both regional and national importance.


policy of management with the region, objectives, sustainable development, strategy, programme, social-economic system, region, problemic districts, market, equilibrium, regional economy


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Publication date

Thursday, 25 February 2021