Anticrisis regional management is canvassed as a system of measures on bringing the region out of depressive state and elevation of a standard of regional social-economic development. Apriori crisis situations are solved self-sufficiently by each region, sometimes without a detailed analysis of all integrity of factors ensuring further development; the former being not taken into account. Solutions of the problems in question require complex approach towards reconsideration of the role of anti-crisis management with rising a standard of soial-economic development based on constant monitoring of social-economic and financial state previsaging crisis, minimization of its aftermath, timely adoption of adequate measures, elicitation of the factors of further development of the region. The author’s conclusion in relation to anticrisis management system formation at a regional level are a matter of interest being based on complex anticrisis measures with preliminary elicitation of crisis factors in the region, substantiation for those ones of competitiveness which are considered as conditions for further development together with elaboration of the plan concerned with a transition from extensive direction of development to that of intensive one.
anti-crisis management, regional management, regional development, depressive region, factors of region development, GRP, mesoeconomic indices, disproportions, factor analysis
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