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Ways of improvement and prospects for the development of foreign exchange operations in commercial banks

Author (s)

Sayfullozoda S.


The article dwells on the issues concerned with currency operations improvement under the angle of their development prospects. In the article the author reveals and substantiates the areas that require improvement and considers certain types of the formers that could be widely used in the banking sector additionally and comprehensively. The author`s proposals deserve particular attentionbeset with legalization and resorting to cryptocurrencies, which in the last half of the past yearshave been increasingly used in a number of developed countries. The author of the article expounds that currency loan portfolio diversification of the commercial banks, which mainly consists of dollar loans, introduction of currency loans in Russian rubles, Chinese yuan, and Turkish lirawill render to reduce dependence on the US dollars. Concrete measures aimed at reducing speculations with foreign currency are proposed.



currency operations; commercial banks, the National Bank of Tajikistan, purchase and sale of foreign currency; black market, exchange rate regulation, monetary policy


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Publication date

Saturday, 20 February 2021