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Problems of Determining a Direct Object of Disclosure of State Secret

Author (s)

Kudratov N.A., Zokhidova M.M.


The article dwells on the problems of determining the direct object of disclosure of state secrets. The state is vitally interested in ensuring its security. The state is a political entity with Armed Forces. There fore, the state needs to have military and political information and documents that must be kept in secret, be safe and maintain its existence. The reliability of maintaining state secrets depends on the ability of the state to keep secret information in the space in which it can control the former by applying measures that are adequate for being out of danger and continuing with its existence. In order to carry out the effective activities of these areas, the state protects certain information, dissemination of which is limited by the state, and this information should not get into contradiction with generally recognized norms of international law. It has been established that a disclosure of this information causes or may cause damage to national security and defence capability of the Republic of Tajikistan. It is revealed that the immediate object of Art. 311 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan is public relations in the field of protection of national security and defense capability of the Republic of Tajikistan.


object of state mystery divulging, state security, secret information, document, threat to security, international law


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Publication date

Monday, 14 September 2020