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The prospects of digital economy development under the conditions of Tajikistan Republic

Author (s)

Ismoilov Sh. M., Khujamkulov R.B., Lutfulloev M.D.


The authors consider the notion “digital economy” and its connection with informational-communicational technologies of the XXI-st century. They have studied the current state of digital economy, its inculcation in the Rebuplic of Tajikistan, further prospects of its utilization in industry and state services in the frames of National Strategy of Tajikistan Republic for the period up to 2030. Concrete examples being adduced characterize the advantages of digitalization of Tajik economy: deep penetration of mobile technologies and twofold acceleration for being switched on to Internet. The following new properties of digital economy are singled out: main kind of product, formation of information-networks structures, alteration of proportions and targets of investitive assets, elevation of the role of creative labour, upspringing of new technologies in management and others. The advantages of economy digitalization are characterized with a deep penetration of the technologies studied into manufacturing and with an adequate development of mobile telephone communication.


innovations, informational-communication technologies, 
digital economy, digitalization, Internet-technologies,
information services market


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Publication date

Monday, 22 February 2021