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The Features of Formation of Savings of Foreign Labor Force at Labor Market of Russia

Author (s)

Urunov A. A., RodinaI.B., Vladimirova A. F.


The paper reveals the motivation for the movement of labor force along countries through the mechanism of savings. The structure of consumers` expenditures population of some CIS countries is analyzed. The consumption of basic food products per capita for the years 2000 - 2018 is investigated. A correction coefficient of migrants` consumption is introduced. The conditions under which migrants can influence an aggregate demand for goods and services of the host country have been established. Calculations show that an average 1% increase of average nominal salary is accompanied annually by a reduction in the number of migrants from Kyrgyzstan for 1.11 %, from Tajikistan for 0.45%. And under one percent increase in the indicator of investments in human capital, reduction in the number of migrants from Kyrgyzstan is observed annually as 0.83%, from Tajikistan as 0.63%. The possibility of turning a certain part of migrants ' savings into induced investments in the Russian economy is determined.


migration, migrant, labor force, consumption, incomes, expenses, savings, mechanism, corrected co-efficient


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Publication date

Tuesday, 21 April 2020