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Author (s)

Stulov S.V., Shishkovsky V.G.


The article considers the assessment of the efficiency in regard to logistics maintenance of the coalition group of troops of the collective security Treaty Organization, which significantly affects the effectiveness of the process under study as a whole. The research is based on a systematic approach that allows us to consider the object under study as a complex of interconnected subsystems united by a common goal-to reveal its internal and external properties. According to the authors of the article, the novelty of the proposed methodology, in contrast to previously existing ones, takes into account an intensity of their activities and allows us to assess the efficiency of managing (making decisions) the logistics maintenance of CSTO coalition group of troops in a modern operation. The authenticity and substantiation of the methods in question are confirmed with adequately full monitoring of initial data checked multiple times and correspondence between the obtained meanings and the results of maneuvers.


methodology, management system, coalition grouping, efficiency, assessment, troops, logistics maintenance, model


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Publication date

Thursday, 25 February 2021