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Institutional Factors of Economic Growth in the Agricultural Sector of Economy

Author (s)

Shokirov Ravshan Sidikovich


The article dwells on the classification of institutional factors in the system aimed at the development of the agro-industrial sector of economy. The author adduces an overview of the literature on economics the study beset with the relevant factors, and proceeding from this consideration systematizes  the institutional factors that extert an impact over the development of the agro-industrial sector of  economy. Into the bargain, he assesses the institutional environment in the agricultural sector and canvasses the role of individual institutions in the agro-industrial sector. He substantiates the opinion that imperfection of market in the agrarian sector, is evinced in non-organization of an agrarian market in the republic which in the ling run brakes final formation of the instate in question in the country.


institutional environment, institutional factors, classification, agro-industrial, institutions, agricultural market, institutions of market.


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Publication date

Tuesday, 21 April 2020