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Institutional aspects of counteraction to corruption in the sphere of education: participation of fbep of Russia

Author (s)

Melkov S.A., Perendjiyev A.N.


The article dwells on the Russian system of state management with counteraction to corruption in the sphere of education. The main objects of research are federal bodies of executive power carrying out the activity in the scientifico-educational sphere. There is applied a functional method of research. The authors came to the conclusion that the system of counteraction to corruption has come to the state of normative-legal and structural accomplishment as the they have formed the frame-works of management with educational activities effectuated by the federal executive power bodies; so, anticorruptive measures bear both simultaneous and effective character. FBEP are able to countervail corruption in the points of the latter’s voluminous capacity piled up in the sphere of education. However, a reserve is made running to the effect that without a provision of maximally available publicity the institutes (structures) created would be rather unable to ensure effective withstanding to corruption in the sphere in question being so painful for society.



anticorruption policy, counteraction to corruption, mechanism of counteraction, executive power bodies, state governance system, sphere of education, Ministry of education and science, Ministry of enlightenment


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2.        Subdivision of RF President Administration (Electronic resource) // Official Site of Russian Federation President. URL: http: http://www.kremlin.ru/structure/administration/departments#department-1022 (Date of request: 04.04.2020).

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Publication date

Monday, 22 February 2021