The task of selecting and evaluating development programs of the regional economy and the regional educational market is actualized. the method of morphological analysis is adapted to solution of this problem formalizing knowledge and experience of experts. The task of choosing the best option (program) of development is moved. The proposed solution takes into account several development criteria in various ways: by convolution of criteria, by guaranteed result method. The article proposes a conceptual model of the mechanism of sustainable development of the regional economy which includes several stages. The main disadvantages of morphological analysis which include insufficient level of formalization of a procedure, linear dependence and additive form of integral criterion, gap between management process and the assessment of the state of the regional economy, are also revealed. The problems of evaluating the development programs of the regional economy and the regional educational market are analyzed.
educational market of the region, multicriteria efficiency, morphological analysis, discrete optimization, decision-making mechanism, implementation of state programs
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